Wednesday, September 9, 2009
4 days of camp @ another country which I practically hate it, Malaysia. :(
I am burning hot now because of the sun burn I had.
Now I have two skin colours which is cool :D HAHA, but somehow ugly.
I shall talk about the camp if I can remember I need to recall first.
1st day
Went back to school @ night.
Packed for the stuffs then collected our camp tees etc etc.
Had layout inspection ( FUTCH 4 TIMES LIAO CAN!!!!!!!! KFC! )
Then about 10(?) left for Golden Mile to board on the bus.
Damn shiok ley the bus LOL, red chair.. big seats. (Y)
Sat with Ximin, weixin and tris behind me. :D
Very difficult to sleep :( So noisy and bumpy. (&thenubkeepkickingmychairhorzxc!)
After like 7 hours of bus ride omg i know it's damn long my butt cramp, finally reached the Homestay.
VERY NICEYYYY :D Omg the house like 3storey bungalow like this ley! Rich like mad.
Went to sleep for awhile, woke up, ate breakfast. Packed bag then left for another campsite.
Had some briefing from a guy called Dr Sidik :D He's nice ^^
Set up tents -.- We practically slept on sands. :(
Lunch was quite nice la, especially their drink there is damn shiok :D
Then had Basic Survival Training. We witnessed live chickens being killed.
Seriously disgusting, the men there went to catch 5 chickens, and then they hold the neck, and then used a parang knife to slaughter all the chickens.
Aww man, the chickens were all suffering and in pain :( Imagine that was you.
R.I.P, chickens. :(
Then went to learn how to set up a insect trap. Quite cool ley! They made use of anything from the jungle.
Smart :D Then witnessed the men pulling out intestines, hearts, gall blader etc etc, everything in the chicken.
The heart was kind of cool :) Saw a fertilized egg in a female chicken. Poor chick.
Then we were supposed to pluck out the feathers. So pluck out lor, kind of fun HAH.
But i don't dare to pluck out the head there one. Then we keep playing with the legs HAH.
Next was fish, aiya easy did it plenty of times. Pulled up the long long thingy.
But damn smelly please you will faint when you smell your hands :(
Tried many ways to remove the smell from my hands but failed to :((((((((
Cooked bamboo rice and it's damn nice :D Have the chaota taste heee. ;D
Then we went to bathe in a very nice toilet, it was supposed to be a tourist resort toilet, and we were supposed to go to the campsite toilet. HAH.
But who cares? :D Miss Pang brought us there coolie.
Bathe with Ximin HAHA.
After bathing, ate dinner. The chicken like chewing gum please, not nice.
And like very disgusting, eat the chicken that we killed. :( In the end never eat much.
As usual the drink was damn nice except i think they didn't pour in water and its like we were drinking syrup.
Then.....it poured -.- And we didn't put the flysheet properly goodness gracious.
Water started to leak in, and my side was the most wet cus I am sleeping at the corner.
Damn disgusting ley! : (((( Had a very bad night sleep.
Waited for instrutions, then it stopped raining, then went to the hall there for PLC.
Talk talk talk talk talk, then went back to sleep.
Day 2
Packed up all the things, then had Morning Glory HAHAHHA damn funny.
We had to do some Army exercise HA, then full of flies also omgomg.
Then we were disgusted by millions of flies and ants on the floor, then we don't want to do.
Then FKC became very angry, then started shouting at us, scary.
Then one sentence he said " WHAT THE F___ IS THIS " then we were all startled like seriously he said that.
I think he controlled us for very long, hais.
Had breakfast, quite nice :) Milo was heaven, nicer than I make one. ^^.
Then started hiking to the Paradise HAHAHA. (OMG RUSSELL RUSSELL I LOVE YOU!!!!!! :P)
Waterfall la hahahha! It resembles Paradise from UP! (L).
Kay back to topic.
Was a very tough climb up, since it rained. Almost fell like thousands of times. ;(
We had to climb over big trees and like if you lose your balance you can just fall anytime I swear.
Dr Sidik explained to us things on the way. :)
Quite fun la, after like 3 hours or some, finally reached the PARADISE!
It was absolutely fabulous :D Had a great sense of satisfactory at least the hiking was worthwhile (Y)!
Rest there for about 1 hour, then hike down back to the campsite again.
Hiking down is much more difficult than climbing up :( It's more slippery ley.
Tired tired after the hike. Rest then proceed to another campsite for Rafting :D
We moved everyday LOL, which is very irritating I tell u.
Reached the kampong site, the children there damn cute, but then too bad they can't speak english :(
Sad uh, then we interacted with them. Gave them chips and sweets.
AHHA me and ximin went to chased after them. From the tents there, chase until near the water.
HAHAHAH, damn cute. ^^
Set up tents again -.-.
Had some demo about building a raft and i don't even get it. Different ways of tieing knots that's why.
:(((( Just slacked down there.
Then something happened which makes me piss like crazy. :(((((((( (bullying HAHAHHA)
But nvm it's over. ( i guess ). Blah blah blah.
OHHHH we bathe in the water HAHAH! SO COOLIE!!!!!!!
The water came from the PARADISE la! LOL.
Damn shiok :D But we never naked la of course!!! If not free show for the boys hor, but we have freeshow HAHAHA. :D
After bathing, became darker and scarier :(((((
Had alot of flies all over and it kept crawling onto me fkkkk! :((((
Ate dinner, but no appetite cuz we were all surrounded by flies. Stupid flies.
Isit firefly?? LOL cus they are all flying around lights, even light sticks. HAH
After dinner, went into the tents. KNS THE FLIES FOLLOWED US IN OMGOMG.
Whole tents fill with flies and ants la DISGUSTING.
We used our torch light and bring the flies out of the tents. Stupid flies.
After like 1 hr of chaotic scene, the tent was finally cleared WHOOHOOO :D
And it's dry thank God. :D And it didn't rain WHOOHOOO.
Had PLC, but Denise Huiling and I just stayed in the tent. LOL.
Fell asleep, then Puisuen woke up us cus she wanted a briefing. Went back to sleep.
3rd day.
Woke up at 6. Tired like crazy but had a nice sleep :D No rain no nothing. SHIOK AH.
But I was squished like hamburger :( HAH, backache backache :X
Breakfast, was GREATTTT. Hehz. Milo milo heavenly nice. :D
Prepare for Rafting liaoz.
Sat on the bamboo raft which is like super unbalance can overturn anytime. Scary.
Sat with Miss Pang, Michael, Samuel and Ming Xuan. :)
Took turns to control the raft. Quite fun HAH.
Went through alot of obstacles like shallow water, banging into elongated tree trunks, "turbo".
Hahaha but overall it's damn fun.
I kind of suntanned HAHA, i slept ley. :D Cool man.
And I was hit by two bamboo poles under 1 min. Miss Pang said I can break the Guinness record already.
HAHA, but no joke can the bamboo poles weigh like more than 3kg.
One hit on my shoulder, one hit on my back.
I think without the life jacket i can probably faint when the pole hit my back. :(((((
4 hours of rafting, 9KM, finally reachedddddddddddddd. :D
Hand tired like siao, then had sun burnt also. Had two different skin colour liaoz.
HAH, had lunch there, drink also damn nicey! :D Food alsooooo! :D
Proceed back to Homestay. Like finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We no need to sleep in tents anymore OMGOMG!!!!! :D
Slept in the car, damn tired :((((.
Reached the homestay, layout our tents for drying. Blah blah blah blah.
Had BBQ for dinner shiok man. :D
Help with the preparing of food. :) Hahaha.
BBQ timeeee, free time!
Slacked alot since it's the last day already.
Played Twister HAHA, dk who brought it but it's damn fun man.
Had a chat together with Weixin FKC and Mr William :)
Damn nice they are seriously young at heart. :DDDD they are super open ley!!!!!! HAH.
Mr William says I look like a nerd :((((((( cuz i said I am in the best class all the way.
then he say something like that " OH can see la, abit nerd " something like this.
Stupiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddddddddddd. Ate Satay damn nice.
Went to bathe, then play.
:) PLC again. @ 12am, when it turns 8 SEPT,
Hahaha, the lights were all offed, and then Miss Brigit brought out a cake for Huiling.
Omg so nice of Dr Sidik ley!!!!! He specially bought the cake for her!
She must be very touched. and must have a very unique birthday this year.
Walao how i wish my birthday I can celebrate with the Scouts lor :( She very lucky (Y)
Ate cake heeee.
After that, about 1am, lights out.
Slept in the room with weixin ximin denise and huiling.
Have mattress ley better than nothing right! :D Heee!
But very cold :((( Shivering.
4th day and last day already :(
Time flies very fast when we were having lots of fun.
Woke up late, we woke up @ 6.30 when we were supposed to leave @ 6.30.
GG, was late for everything. Everything was pulled back.
Had alot of hiccups on the last day. Sad uh.
But still managed to go to the Fish Market. :) Took the last 4wheel drive with weixin and the teachers.
Reached there saw alot of bloody cats damnit. Damn scared omg!!!
& very smelly ley there :( We saw many cute baby sharks!!!!! Why must they catch them!!!!! Awwww.
:( haha anyway, went to explore there then went back to the homestay.
Had area cleaning before going to the Airport.
We were late for everything la! Somemore need to go see the 22 mosques.
But it was worthwhile :) Damn nice, and one mosque is called " CRYSTAL MOSQUE " HAHAHA.
Kuuudos! :D Rushed to the airport.
Luckily the gate havent close! Phew. LOL.
Went to check in, then saw our FireFly aeroplane. Very cute, small small one HAH.
:D But inside really damn small HAHA.
Exchanged place and weixin sat beside me yayyyyy. HEEE, damn cute :D
Then we keep asking for muffins HAHAHAH, she like hungry ghost like that ley!
Eat 5 muffins. Hahahaha!
Less than 1 hour, we reached Singapore. 5 clapsssss :D
HEEE damn excited! :D Saw my parents (Y)(Y)(Y),
went home.
Kayz end of Camping.
I love this camp alot :D I survivedddddd although I thought I can't survived :(
Before that I really regretted going, but then after that, I couldn't bear to leave the campsite HAH.
:D Is a great experience for me la, first time ley ^^. Heee.
Shall go sleep soon. :) Kthxbai.
With lots of love,
Crystal Hong, (L).