Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Hi woke up at 11 today. Played bubble town yst until 3 &&& TELL U WHAT, I ALMOST COMPLETED THAT LEVEL LOR, THEN I SUDDENLY ANYHOW PLAY, THEN LOSE.
Damn angry :( Blah.
Kk, then woke up, saw my ahyi (aunty :O mum side) and my baby cousin! :}
Hee so cute :D Ate breakfast.
Then played with him, hehe i forgot what's his name alrdy :X
I keep disturbing him hehe so fun :} I keep snatching his toy car and hide it :P Luckily he didnt cry if not... hee.
Hahah, then around 1+ they went home, then parents went out to work.
So left only me and bro at home.
Went 7 eleven with bro to buy some cherry card or something for mousehunt.
Lolol, walk until so far then at last don't have -.-
& that 7 eleven is underground one HAHA, so cool, & BIG.
K then bought my magazines (8 dayssssssss & iWeekly) and sweet.
Went home,drenched from head to toe HAHA.
Bro used my comp, then I no choice then just read magazines lor. Almost fell asleep :P
Bathe then helped my bro with mousehunt again.
Hahaha, & ka oh wee. :P
Tuition ltr!! :} Heheh, 3 pathetic students only HAHA. But fun what. :)
Can concentrate hehe.
Kthxbai! :}
& ohyah, SOME PEOPLE are just so ridiculous -.- zzz. Just because of ____, then say i ____. WTH?!?!?!
& again, don't ASSUME it's you :) Tyvm.
(unless you're like guilty and you know it's you then bo bian la)